Jan 14, 2016 01:25 AM EST
WATCH: With this Alarm Clock, You Will Literally Wake Up to the Smell of Hot Croissants and Toast!

Maybe you hate waking up early in the morning because you hate the sound of your alarm, but what if you can be woken up by your sense of smell?

The SensorWake alarm clock claims to have you standing on your toes by the time your alarm sets off, by releasing the scent of newly baked croissants and toast!

Users will insert a 30-use capsule of their preferred smell, choosing from a wide variety of food aroma-from chocolate, peppermint, to a wild ambiance like the seaside or the lush jungle.

The revolutionary alarm clock was engineered by 19-year old French student who "hated mornings".

The company claims that 99% of sleepers will wake up and get out of bed within two minutes. If their nose failed to signal their brain to rise up, a back up sound alarm will then activate and the device will function like a normal alarm clock.

The product is available for pre-order starting June this year for $89, equipped with two capsules of scent of choice which costs $10.90.

In 2014, Oscar Meyer invented a similar alarm clock called "Wake Up & Smell the Bacon alarm clock app" used the sound and smell of sizzling bacon in waking up people who dreads the sound of the traditional buzzing clock.