Dec 18, 2015 10:20 AM EST
7 UK Cheese Favorites, But #3 is In Serious Danger and Being Defended by Prince Charles

While Selena Gomez's rumoured One Direction squeeze Niall Horan crooning "I want to write you a song, one to make your heart remember me.." in 'I Want To Write You A Song' may be the preferred cheese of the younger set in the UK, elsewhere a few varieties of cheese make waves in the hit charts. Store chain Waitrose conducted a survey of 2,000 Britons, which revealed top cheese choices from region to region.

#1 Cheddar: This English classic, which origins can be traced to 12th-century Somerset caves, easily won a third of survey votes. Some 15% of East Midland folks are known to snub cheese boards whenever Cheddar is missing from the selection.

#2 Stilton: The strong flavour of the Stilton is shoo-in for cheese lovers in London, East Anglia, the North West, South West, West Midlands and London'd neighbouring South East.

#3  French Brie: This cheese is a Scottish and South East England favorite. Sadly, the French Brie - and French cheese in general - is now under threat from climate change, prevalence of genetically modified produce and the changing European regulations affecting cheese production. 

Prince Charles, who is a well-known environmentalist and whose popular Aston Martin is powered by wine and cheese, spoke up for the endangered French cheese during his visit to France for the Paris Climate Change Conference, recalling that in 1992 he "even orchestrated a vigorous defense of cheese against predatory health and safety regulators." 

The Prince of Wales insightfully and urgently reminds: "What will become of the Brie de Meaux, the Crottin de Chavignol or the Bleu d'Auvergne? In a microbe-free, progressive, and genetically engineered future, what hope is there for the old-fashioned Fourme d'Ambert, the mal-formed Gruyere de Comte, or the odorous Pont L'Eveque?"

Continuing with the Cheese Charts:

#4  Blue Cheese:  This is a winner by Welsh standards.

#5 Red Leicester: This hard English cheese formerly known as the Leicestershire Cheese is the top contender among those from North East England.

#6 Wensleydale: This cheese variety keeps Yorkshire residents happy.

#7 Mozzarella: This Italian cheese is firmly lodged in the hearts of folks in Northern Ireland.

See Also: 8 Incredible Reasons Casu Marzu Is the Most Dangerous Cheese in the World