Sep 22, 2014 05:54 PM EDT
Mary Landrieu Keg Stand – Louisiana Senator Helps Out With Beer, Will It Help Her Get Votes?

Mary Landrieu Keg Stand: It's not every day that you see a politician doing some laid back and alcohol-related activity as they believe that the reputation that needs to stand cannot include any of those things. So, it is quite a surprise that some pictures of Mary Landrieu have been going viral of her helping out with a Keg Stand.

Mary Landrieu is not the one who did the Keg Stand, which would be too good to be true. She did hold the tap for a guy who did it, though and there are pictures to prove it that have been going viral fast.

According to The Washington Post, that has tried to explain the context in which this happened, turns out that on Saturday night there was a football game between Louisiana State University team, The Tigers and the Mississippi State Bulldogs.

This even brought together lots of people and between them, Mary Landrieu and the guy from the Keg Stand.

A Mother Jones reporter was at the event and Mary Landrieu told him, "My first Keg Stand. He wanted me to do it, but I said absolutely not - at least not in front of the National Press." This is due to the fact that another young man had already asked Mary Landrieu to help him do a Keg Stand, but she refused. Later on, she did help this guy, only not in front of the National Press.

Then, she was asked, "But what if it would have gotten her some votes?" to which she responded, "That's all right, I am not that desperate."

Mary Landreu certainly has got some style when performing a Keg Stand and although she gave her best effort for the fans, The Tigers lost that day. In return, we won a wonderful image of the Senator who is running to be reelected.