Sep 15, 2014 05:01 AM EDT
Low Carb Diets Beat low fat Diets for Weight loss

It's official, low carb diets are in. Fitness enthusiasts around the globe have sworn by the effectiveness of low carb diets for faster weight loss, now science is here to back up the claim.

The low carb diet entails eating real food that is natural and unprocessed, with low carbohydrate content. This form of dieting has been used by athletes, trainers, actors and celebrities to stay in shape. Scientific evidence now proves that this method of weight loss is indeed more effective.

According to Doctor Steve Smith, science director at the Florida Hospital- Sanford Burnham Translational Research Institute, low carb diets offer an efficient method of weight loss that is far better than low fat diets. Low carb diets such as Paleo and its alternative the ketogenic plans are scientifically better modes of weight loss. A study conducted by scientists at Umea University in Sweden tracked 70 overweight and post menopause women for two years. The women were either assigned a low fat or a low carb Paleo diet. The results showed that after two years, the low carb (higher-fat) Paleo diet women recorded a higher weight loss than the low fat diet women. This effectively means that low-fat diets lead to more weight loss than low fat diets even when the low fat groups are calorie restricted and the low carb groups are not.  

In his book "Keto Clarity", obesity expert Dr. Eric Westman explained that reducing carbs and increasing the consumption of healthy fats normally fuels weight loss as the body is compelled to burn fat to produce energy.

So which food should you avoid for this low carb diet to work? Here is a list:

1.       Sugar:

Soft drinks, processed fruit juices, ice cream, candy and all other processed sugars.

2.       Gluten Grains:

Wheat, barley and rye.

3.       Trans fats:

Either hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats.

4.       Artificial sweeteners:

Sucralose, Cyclamates, Aspartame, saccharin and Acessulfame Potassium. Stevia is a better substitute.

5.       High Omega-6 seed and vegetable oils:

Sunflower oils, corn oils, cottonseed oils, soybean and safflower oils.