Nov 25, 2015 09:01 PM EST
Beef Production Contributes to Climate Change According to Experts

In order to help save the planet would you be willing to stop eating beef?

Many may not find a direct link between eating beef and saving the planet, but they actually have a connection.

According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization 14.5% of all greenhouse gas pollution can be accounted to livestock and majority of it about 65% can be traced to raising cattle, whether it is for the production of dairy or beef.

Aside from this cows produce methane which is about 25 % more powerful as carbon dioxide. This means that a molecule of methane released in one day traps 100 times more heat than a molecule of carbon dioxide and it contributes a lot to global warming.

Methane as we all know was first scientifically identified by Alessandro Volta, an Italian physicist and the said gas is highly combustible.

Cows are herbivores and as it consumes its plant diet their stomach breaks down the cellulose into carbohydrate with the help of methanogens, a microogranism which then has a by-product Methane in this process.

The methane being expelled is not through its rear end but majority is released via oral route and each cow is different, we can only assume the amount these bovines emit.

It's "an inconvenient truth" that Beef helps in global warming.

To put it bluntly consuming about 1.27 lbs. of beef is approximately the same as burning gas and traveling 70 miles anywhere. since cows produce a lot of methane we can also opt to consume the less methane producing livestock like chicken, pork or even veggies.

Many people have been used to eating beef throughout the years and many homes have considered it as a staple in most meals. However these beef-lovers don't realize the effect beef has on the environment.

Hopefully with these facts made known, people would now think twice before buying beef at their local market. Some experts even goes on to say that giving up beef will lessen carbon footprints more than cars.