Nov 17, 2015 04:02 PM EST
3 Foods You Should Eat to Live a Longer Life Other than Spicy

With the increasing threats in climate change and pollution and other inevitable factors, death rate risk has increased throughout the years. In 2013 the death rate in the US population is 731.9 per 100,000 people. This year, 2015 percentage increases as 821.5 deaths were reported per 100,000 populations.

Recently, a study shows that eating spicy food can decrease the risk of birth by 14 percent. In the BMJ journal it was found that those who eat spicy food for only once or twice a week, lowers their rate of dying early by 10 percent."Spices and their bioactive ingredients, like capsaicin, may have beneficial antiobesity, antioxidant, anti-inflammation, anticancer, and antihypertensive effects," Jun Lv, PhD, an associate professor at Peking University Health Science Center, in Beijing stated. Other than spicy food, there are other food choices which could extend your mortality years.  

Whole Grains. A study shows that heart-healthy food can prolong the life cycle of older people by 20 percent. These include flax seeds, cereals, wheat and oatmeal. According to WebMD, oatmeal removes bad cholesterol out of your body. Heart Attacks are one of the most common causes of death in America and bad cholesterol influences it. Cereals and oatmeal can be healthier by adding fruits such as blueberries which are anti-oxidant and help prevent other health ailments to occur which can lead to death.

Cranberries. In 2013, a study showed that the anti-oxidant substance coming from these fruits may lengthen the lifespan of a person. An experiment was conducted to fruit flies.

Those who ate sugar and cranberries survived 25% longer compared with those who only consumed sugar. The study also found that older fruit flies existed 30% longer.

Nuts. The Oxford Journals, Journal of Epidimiology released a study that shows the relationship of eating nuts and longevity of life. The study found that nuts consumption decreases rate of health diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular illness.