Nov 13, 2015 06:54 PM EST
Herbal Substitutes: Bust Expensive Medicine with Home Remedies That Can Treat Chronic Diseases

Medicine like any other treatment cost money. Many people are very much apprehensive about getting treatment or purchase medicine because of the amount of money they might spend on it.

According to Kens 5, one community has found a way to find and create it on their own. In San Antonio, people are learning how to create their own medicine to treat whatever illness they have. Hill Country is now filled with the plants that can be used to treat illnesses.

Sam Coffman, co-founder Herbal Medics said the there are many kinds of herbs that can be found in Hill Country that other people are not aware of. He added that there are more people who are turning to natural or herbal remedies and want to learn how they can make their own. He explained that pharmaceutical medicine is not the answer to all of people's questions and illnesses. Herbs have helped many students and clients with healing their own illnesses.

Some people have been kicked out of hospitals and move from one doctor to another for years. They would come to their clinic and get results of about 80 percent success rate.

One of them is Margo Mastrude, she took herbal medicine class because of her daughter. She is suffering from severe allergies. They had been in and out of emergency rooms which usually lead to them being given heavy medications. She tried to think of a more natural way to help her ease her allergies. After trying the natural way, her daughter started seeing relief from the herbal medicine. It has been four years since she stopped using albuterol and she also stopped taking over-the-counter allergy medicines. She said it's a big load off their budget seeing that they don't need to go see a doctor all the time.

"By and large, most herbal medicine is fairly gentle and fairly nontoxic," Coffman said. "I'm not saying that plant medicine solves every answer. It's not every answer, but the point is that these two worlds can work together."