Nov 11, 2015 09:21 PM EST
Need Help with Food Inventory and Reduce Food Waste? There's an App for That!

For busy people, meal planning is an amazing idea to reduce food waste and make preparing a meal much simpler, however, there are some portions of the ingredients that aren't going to be used and usually they end up going to waste, adding the fact that people live really busy lives these days, therefore not giving them much time to do detailed meal planning. How great would it be to have an app that could provide information with just a quick scan and would suggest what to do with these small portions in a form of quick and simple recipes?

As per an article written for Tree Hugger, there is a new application called Foodfully. This app is comes close to being the answer to the question most people asked.  This app needs a little bit of work than just using your phone camera to the direction of your fridge.

Brianna McGuire said that when she created this app she thought that she wanted to do something about the almost 20 pounds of food waste that the average American throw in the trash every month, which means that it's a waste of money and the resources that went into growing  and transporting these ingredients.  The app will make them cut back on food waste by keeping track of the food that is in the fridge and offers quick and easy recipes using the left over portions and to add to that, the app also alerts the user if there is a food that is about to go bad and needs to be used quickly.

The app acts like an inventory where they can simply take a picture of their supermarket receipts, link their Instacart accounts or they can also enter their grocery list manually. The app will alert them of what food they have bought. The app then suggests recipes using those ingredients in the list and whenever they follow the recipe, the items are deleted from the inventory.

Users can let the app know what items from the grocery list are eaten regularly for meals, like oatmeal, so that it doesn't come up in the recipes. You can also delete items manually when they're eaten through voice command or swiping them off the list.

Foodfully is set to come out at the end of 2015 and is currently in beta testing. Based on the testing, it could help people cut their food waste by as much as 50 percent.