Nov 01, 2015 06:50 PM EST
Batman Villain Harley Quinn Is Top Halloween Costume Search for 2015

Halloween is a season for costumes, candies and parties. Google recently released the top 500 costumes aiming to "help you find a costume that's sure to turn heads." Superheroes were among the sought-after costumes for Halloween aside from the gory zombie or vampire ones.

DC comic book character Harley Quinn, the famous villain from Batman is the most saleable Halloween costume for 2015. Thanks to America's anticipation on the upcoming movie, 'Suicide Squad' starring Margot Robbie as Quinn along with Jared Leto and Will Smith.

Harley Quinn is the side kick of Batman's nemesis, Joker. Originally from "Batman: The Animated Series" in 1990. Her jet-setter style gained her popularity especially among cosplayers in different conventions such as York Comic Con.

According to Google's Frightgeist, a tool that tracks top queries on the search engine, 'Harley Quinn' had been the most searched costume for Halloween. Among the areas with the highest number of searches are  Houston, Philadelphia, Seattle, Hartford, Connecticut, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Miami .

Topics on Twitter with hastags #SuicideSquadHalloween #HarleyQuinn, #SuicideSquad were also among the trending tags last Friday.

Characters such as Batman and Joker from "Suicide Squad" - a film about imprisoned supervillains executing dangerous black ops missions in exchange for clemency - were also a part of the top 10 trending searches on google. 'Star Wars' and 'Minions' characters were also popular Halloween costumes as well as Minnie Mouse and Wonder Woman.

Only one politician showed up in the list- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. He ranked No. 105 nationwide.

On average, Harley Quinn costumes were sold for $52-$55 online including retailers such as and A report by the National Retail Federation says that up to $6.9 billion are spent for Halloween and $74.34 are spent by average American on candies, decors, costumes, and the like.