Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight," the novel whose adaptation made superstars out of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, just turned 10 years of age on October 5 after being released on the same date in 2005, and its author decided to spice things up in the oddest way possible: by switching up the genders of her beloved characters!
As a surprise for fans of Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight," the 41 year-old author launched 400 pages worth of material retelling her original novel, as she changed the genders of the story for it to be a boy who falls in love with a female vampire, changing up Bella for Beau, Edward for Edythe and Jacob for Julie.
According to Yahoo! News, the new version of Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" is called "Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined," and she announced it when she was appearing on Good Morning America earlier this week.
The season behind the author's decision is simple: she was getting pretty sick of just about every news outlet saying that Bella's characterization on the original Stephenie Meyers makes her out to be a "damsel in distress" type, something that Meyer has always resented.
"It's always bothered me a little bit because anyone surrounded by superheroes is going to be ... in distress. We don't have the powers," said Meyer. "I thought, 'What if we switched it around a bit and see how a boy does,' and, you know, it's about the same."
As Entertainment Weekly reports, the new version of Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" also sees some minor changes in the characters' personalities, such as Beau being "more OCD" than his female version and "totally missing the chip" that Bella's always carrying around.
According to The Wrap, the new version was only supposed to be a few chapters, but Meyer decided to go the whole nine yards after realizing how easy it was.
You can purchase the new version of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight now!