The pioneering Marvel Cinematic Universe television show(helmed by Joss Whedon) is about to come back to the screens with far more action featuring the race of the Inhumans, and ahead of its late-September premiere, the "Agents of SHIELD" season 3 already looks awesome!
The September 29 premiere date of the "Agents of SHIELD" season 3 is still a few days away, so obviously that means it's time for Marvel to release some of their teasers ahead of the new season, including the big change that one of the main characters has gone through as Chloe Bennet's character, formerly known as Skye, embraces her Inhuman nature and changes her name to Daisy Johnson after finding out the truth about her parents.
Marvel gave the Los Angeles Times the exclusive shot of Bennet's new costume for the "Agents of SHIELD" season 3, with the 23 year-old actress sporting the Quake look for the first time in public.
"It was really, really fun to put it on," said Bennet, IGN reports, as she was promoting the "Agents of SHIELD" season 3. "With the inner geek in me -- and growing up with six brothers -- I was never really interested in being the princess. I was more into being someone who kicked ... and was a superhero. So, that was a dream come true."
According to Comic Book, the new photos also reveal the new gauntlets Bennet will be wearing in the "Agents of SHIELD" season 3, and the actress was quick to point out not only her excitement but also the reasons behind this utility belt-like look, saying they were specifically designed by SHIELD to help with her earthquake powers, which she learned to use over the course of the past season.
Ann Foley, the costume designer for the show, revealed that Daisy wasn't the only one getting a makeover, as there are a few new costumes being introduced during the "Agents of SHIELD" season 3!