Aug 18, 2015 10:50 AM EDT
Mozilla Develops Enhanced Private Browsing On Firefox

Mozilla is making private browsing more secure and confidential as the company released a new browsing mode that contains a tracking protection feature.

The free-software community is currently testing in Firefox a new private browsing mode that will block web elements like analytic tools and social network services. This will make the browsing habits of the users safe and untraceable.

Although the incognito mode has the ability to make the browsing history undetectable, online services can still track the users by the use of some techniques such as fingerprinting, according to Tech Crunch. The pre-beta version of Firefox will also have the ability to unblock specific trackers, by the use of a control center system.  This will allow the user to still visit and use several sites.

The Firefox team explained the reason why they have decided to develop a new browsing approach.

"Our hypothesis is that when you open a Private Browsing window in Firefox you're sending a signal that you want more control over your privacy than current private browsing experiences actually provide," the team pointed out.

In addition, the pre-beta version imposes add-on verification by default. This means that the social plug-ins downloaded by the user will not add annoying toolbars and ads.

Mozilla explained that the additional features can create undesirable buttons and toolbars or even collect information. It can also inject ads and malwares to the user's device.

"We've worked with developers and created a process that attempts to verify that add-ons installed in Firefox meet the guidelines and criteria we've developed to ensure they're safer for you."

In the near future, Mozilla is also planning to enhance parental controls and extra communication methods through Firefox Hello. The much advertised Firefox for iOS will also be developed, but as for now, no further details have been given yet.

The pre-beta version of Mozilla Firefox is now accessible in the Firefox Developer Edition for Windows, Mac and Linux.