Jul 31, 2015 11:41 AM EDT
Carbs That Can Help You Lose Weight

It has been so long that people have been obsessed with cutting carbs and pumping protein - and even metabolism-boosting power of protein have been touted for years. But the real deal is that, most of the vitamins and other micronutrients a person need to shut down their fat genes, not to mention the fiber necessary to keep a person's bellies healthy and full, are found in carbs.

And there are some carbohydrate-rich foods a person should consume. Just like sweet potatoes, as potatoes control the blood sugar of a person. Potatoes will be digested slowly and will keep a person feeling fuller and energized longer. The starchy and tuberous potatoes are packed with fiber, nutrients and can help a person burn fat. Potatoes are best contained by carotenoids and antioxidants which can help a person to stabilize blood-sugar levels and lower insulin resistance.

Beans can also burn fats since they are a resistant starc. This means it resists digestion, sticking around the digestive tract and helps a person feel fuller longer. A study at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found out that beans are loaded with soluble fiber and can lessen the accumulation of body fat. The resistant starch that can be found in the beans, protects the colon from DNA damage and a consuming beans daily are proven to have a 20% lower risk of colon cancer.

Blueberries are suggested to be part of one's diet in order to activate a person's fat-burning genes. A study at Tufts University discovered that a person who consumed blueberries, which contained catechins increased their belly-fat loss by 77%.

Quinoa (a species of the goosefoot genus, a grain crop grown primarily for its edible seeds) can shut off belly fat genes. Quinoa contains the complete chain of amino acids that are necessary for muscle building and weight loss. Quinoa is also high in the amino acid lysine, which helps a person burn fat and maintain healthy bones and skin. A Food Chemistry journal published study shows that, quinoa has the highest level of betaine - a chemical that increases a person's metabolism and it will stop the genes that encourage belly fat to hang around.