Jun 12, 2015 10:33 AM EDT
Kingsman 2 Movie Is On the Way - an American Agent Involved

In an exclusive interview withYahoo Movies ,director Matthew Vaughn, confirmed that the sequel of the movie  Kingsman: The Secret Service is in progress. Also director Vaughn indicated something indirectly, that there might be a new addition to the new Kingsman 2 film - a new chracter is being considered that an American agent will appear in the movie. 

Director Matthew Vaughn stated: "The good news is I'm writing it next door at the moment," Vaughn also said: "And if I think I can the script good enough, then we're making it ... we're doing our damnedest to make that happen."

As 20th Century Fox already confirmed last April, the sequel Kingsman 2 will soon start production. The confirmation of a sequel  was not totally a shocker, as the first movie made a huge success, earning over $400 million worldwide from an $81 million production budget.

Director Matthew Vaughn confirmed that he is writing the script, and he will come back to direct the KingsMan 2 film.

Since most of the movie sequels are just identical material from the original, director Vaughn revealed that he needs inspirations to render service for the movie, a reason why the sequel got a long gap to release from the first. On Kingsman 2, the director intends to make the movie entirely new.

The director stated: "I have to feel inspired and that I'm doing something different, and pushing my boundaries. Sequels normally you're doing more of the same. I'm trying to reinvent how to do a sequel at the moment, and it's tough. I'm in love with these characters, and I want to work with them again, so I'll probably be breaking the rule of tending not to make sequels."

Today the Kingsman: The Secret Service is available on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital HD.

Kingsman 2 is expected to hit theaters in 2017.