Dec 15, 2014 02:18 PM EST
Sushi Overfishing: Is Japan’s Most Famous Food In Danger?

As experts continue to talk about the issues in the way things are being done when it's time to fish, sushi's overfishing problems seem to be barely beginning; experts say that the industry will take a turn for the worse if nobody does anything about it.

Among the many concerns in the fishing industry, there's the fact that there are fish species that are reaching the point of extinction due to excess - and, it seems, sushi overfishing has turned into one of the top concerns in this department, due to the fact that its ingredients are almost solely from the seas and oceans.

According to The Independent, Jiro Ono, the world's best-known sushi chef, has stated that he's sure that ingredients for the delicious Japanese food will have to change in the next few years, due to the fact that, for sushi, overfishing has become a huge problem: there are species that are ceasing to exist right now.

It seems that, because of the sushi overfishing, the cooking master has trouble finding ingredients as it is. The chef, who is 89 years old and still works day and night in a Tokyo restaurant, has been named the best sushi cook in the world, though he claims he has yet to find perfection in his work, advising others who take up that work to be very patient.

According to Fraser Coast Chronicle, the chef has been a Japanese treasure for many years, though he only became known to the general public after 2011, when the American documentary "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" was first released, telling his story.

Ono's warnings regarding the sushi overfishing situation is really worrying, due to the fact that cooks have been forced, more and more, to use substitutes for the fish they're supposed to be filling with.

While it may be less of a problem for Ono himself - due to the fact that he's a worldwide renowned chef - other sushi restaurants across the world may be facing bigger concerns, according to