Aging reversed in mice say scientists. Scientists from America and Australia have found a way to reverse aging in mice. The scientists, who say they have found the gene that if manipulated, becomes the fountain of youth, were able to prematurely age a mouse in 6 months to 2 years and back.

Scientists from Harvard University and the University of New South Wales in Australia claim to have found the fountain of youth. Through laboratory testing, the scientists claim to have switched the youthful genes in a mouse on and the old genes off by the assistance of naturally occurring proteins and molecules, leading to aging reversed in mice.

The research was focused on mice and will later be focused on humans to test the results. "We've discovered genes that control how the body fights against ageing and these genes, if you turn them on just the right way, they can have very powerful effects, even reversing ageing - at least in mice so far," professor of Genetics at Harvard University David Sinclair said.

A molecule called NMN was fed to the mice and this reversed the aging process in mice completely in just one week. Now they are looking to reverse all aspects of ageing in the possible. According to Professor Sinclair, the clinical results were a small study but showed promising results for humans.

Professor Sinclair, who was recently named by Time Magazine as one of the most influential people in the world, has been taking the red wine molecule that lead to aging reversed in mice for a decade.

The red wine molecule apparently is not harmful and in later years, may just be the key to youth, cutting millions of women's expenditure on Botox. Asked about how the news was being received, he responded, Some people say it's like playing God, but if you ask somebody 100 years ago, what about antibiotics? They probably would have said the same thing."

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