Pumpkin Health Benefits you Should Know About Before Throwing Away Your Halloween Pumpkins

Pumpkin health benefits. Everybody's having them this Halloween but how many are actually gobbling them up? Don't be too quick to throw away that rich whole some goodness of pumpkin insides when making your Halloween decorations, that pumpkin could just be the key to a better heart and health.

Here are five surprising health benefits of pumpkins that you did not know about:

1. Boosts vision

Pumpkins contain a healthy dose of Vitamin A. In fact, just a cup of cubed pumpkin contains almost twice the recommended daily dose vitamin A, which is essential for good vision, especially in dim light. The vitamin has also been found to reduce the decline of retinal function in patients of retinitis pigmentosa.

2. Low blood pressure

The pumpkin seed oil is full of phytoestrogens, which is brilliant for keeping hypertension at bay. Researchers found that feeding rats with a high pumpkin seed diet supplement lowered their systolic and diastolic blood pressure in just 12 weeks.

3. Protects your package

The pumpkin seeds are rich in beta-carotene and multiple other antioxidants which have cancer protective properties. Especially for men, the health benefits of pumpkins can not be understated.

Pumpkin seeds contain about 2.75 mg of zinc, which is already about 17% of the daily recommended dose of the mineral. Zinc contributes to better sexual health for men. Studies show that when young men do not take or restrict their dietary zinc, their testosterone levels fell significantly in 20 weeks.

4. Healthy hearts

Pumpkin seeds contain about 1.7 grams of dietary fiber per ounce. All that fiber in pumpkins helps the heart function better. Women who have higher fiber in their diet have a 25 % lower risk of contracting heart disease as compared with women with a lower fiber diet.

5. Feel fuller

All that fiber helps keep you fuller and hence you eat less. Have more pumpkins for its amazing health benefits.

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