15 Surprising Facts about Starbucks We Bet You Didn't Know

Being one of the biggest - if not the biggest coffee companies - that dominates the world with 22,000 branches all over 67 countries. No one could stop the caffeine giant in still developing and its continuous supremacy.

This year, aside from setting up a mobile ordering application and delivery service, Starbucks pledges to offer bigger things to all their loyal customers.

Don't you consider yourself a self-proclaimed Starbucks Lover if you get surprised by these 15 mind-blowing facts!

1. Starbucks has grown by an average of at least two stores everyday for the past 27 years.

2. By 2019, Starbucks plans to fully penetrate the most populous country in the world, China, by opening up to 3,400 locations.

3. There are an incredible 36,000 possible Frappuccino combinations.

If you think that is too much, from all the drink items from their menu, you can come up with more than 87,000 possible combinations!

4. A single serving of coffee in a grande cup contains 330 grams of caffeine, four times more than the amount of caffeine you get from drinking one can of Red Bull!

5. Starbucks uses at least 4 billion cups of coffee from around the world per year.

As their initiative to reduce waste, they encourage customers who will dine in to ask for their coffee to be served in a ceramic mug, or bring their own tumbler.

6. Starbucks listed a record-setting $19.2 billion sales in 2015.

That's enough to buy every American at least 4 cups of coffee per day!

7. The largest Starbucks cup size option is the Trenta, a 31-ounce cup. It is bigger than the human stomach.

During its starting years, their biggest cup size used to be today's Tall cup, which measures 12 ounces of coffee only. The smallest option is still the 8-ounce Short, which is still available up to date.

Just so you know, the size of your stomach is just about the size of your fist and could hold 900ml on its average state. The Trenta cup contains 916ml of coffee and milk and whatnot.

8. Did you know that the iconic logo of Starbucks was not always the way we know it?

Starbucks' logo used to be brown and was changed to green in 1987. The then-CEO Howard Schultz said the new color is "more affirming".

9. The coffee giant spends more on employee health care than coffee beans each year.

To profess their commitment and concern to their partners, Starbucks showers their employees with the needed and other supplementary benefits they can enjoy.

10. Full-time Starbucks partners in China also receives help in paying for their housing.

Really, Starbucks is generous and giving company.

11. Ever wonder where did the name 'Starbucks' came from?

Starbucks was the name of the first mate of the ship in Herman Melville's classic novel 'Moby Dick.' The owners also considered naming the company after the doomed ship from the same literature can you imagine having coffee from a shop called "Pee-quod"?

12. Since the launch of their mobile ordering application, more than 20% of their sales were ordered using the app.

13. One in six Americans received Starbucks Cards as gifts last holiday season. During the 2013 Holidays, the company have sold 2 million cards every. single. day.

14. The most loyal of Starbucks lovers visit the store at least 16 times monthly!

15. Sante Fe Springs, CA has the most Starbucks stores in a 25-mile radius with 560 stores.

Sources: The Business Insider and Terrace Crawford.

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