Man Dresses As A Waiter and Surprises Homeless People With Food (VIDEO)

Giving away free meals to homeless people on the street has become quite the common, selfless act, but one man wanting to surprise the less fortunate choose to stand out, according to ABC News.

Comedian DJ Sennett is best known for secretly recording jokes he and his friends pull in Los Angeles and posting them on Youtube. In his latest video, the 21-year-old musician and YouTube star pulled of an act of kindness for the homeless living in California.

While dressed in a waiter's uniform and holding a tray, Sennett gave away free meals to a group of homeless people. In the three-minute long video, he delivers "restaurant-worthy" meals to Los Angles residents who are down on their luck.

"I wanted to be creative with it," Sennett said.

Sennett said he was inspired after watching charitable videos on YouTube, especially those that show random acts of kindness, like giving away $100 to a stranger. The inspiration for Sennett to wear a waiter's uniform came after walking home from a gig and realizing that his bar uniform made him look like an actual waiter.

"It sparked an idea," Sennett told Good Morning America. "A friend and I went to a local grocery store and bought a bunch of pre-made food and drove around delivering it over a span of three days."

Sennett believes he approached at least 16 homeless people and made them feel as if they were in an actual restaurant. Adding that everyone he approached was shocked.

"They were shocked and trying to figure out if I got the wrong person," Sennett said of the reactions he received. "Then they figured out what I was doing and they were so grateful and I could tell they were so happy."

"How are we doing today?" Sennett asked one woman sitting on the floor and holding a cardboard sign asking for spare change. "Alright, so we have the chicken plate with the green beans and here is your water. Let me know if you need anything else."

Sennett's friend captured the good deed on video and posted it on YouTube. As of Tuesday it has received over 150,000 views. Sennett wants to inspire others to do the same thing and lend a helping hand.

"When I started the channel in high school it was just kind of messing around doing stupid stuff, but it's turned into something now where I realize I have an audience and I have a voice with it," Sennett said. "This one has led me to realize I can do something more with it than just be silly on camera."

See what happens when a few people down on their luck receive a meal.

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