Anti- Free Speech Clash At UCLA Heats Up

Clash with anti-free speech at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) begins to resurface just this month.

According to The Atlantic, student activists at the UCLA already had clashes since 50 years ago with administrators during the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, which is a series of events that could expand people's free-speech rights at public universities and colleges.

Recently, the activists at UCLA demand that administrators should punish some of their fellow students for expressive behavior that is apparently protected by the First Amendment.

In the past, clashes regarding free speech rights have turned on whether American people have the right to criticize their own government during the time of war to march as neo- Nazis past the Holocaust survivors' homes, to submerge in urine the crucifix, or to burn the American flag- in which all of these things have been ruled by courts and are said to be protected speech.

There have been many different thoughts and ideas that revolve around this free-speech clash that it may seem a never-ending story.

Just last week, many outlets have reported that some sorority and fraternity members who attended the "Kanye Western" theme party- wherein students dressed like the rapper and his wife Kim Kardashian - wore blackface when this controversy began. There is no evidence though that can prove that the offensive behavior would not change the First Amendment analysis to come as the Greek organizations deny what happened and there were no published pictures from the party that shows anyone wearing a blackface.

In line with this, critics of the critics insist, however, that West is a very popular celebrity and not a stand-in for black culture, plus there is nothing wrong with dressing up like the hip-hop that is not the same as black culture at all. Moreover, privileged student activists are merely shortsighted to only focus on the frat theme party and students nowadays are oversensitive.

A Twitter user, Matt Lieberman, tweeted this news by The Atlantic and received a number of replies, which one said he "also find it insane that it's that liberal students who are so keen on running to authority."

Debates regarding this matter are substantially healthy and both sides do raise plausible points that the end is not in sight.

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