Recent Study Shows High-Calorie Diet Causes Diabetes In Just A Few Days- Know The Prevention Here

Diabetes is now becoming one of the most common diseases that Americans are fighting on a daily basis.

Scientists and nutritionists have recently found out how fast someone could acquire this disease that he or she could already see the signs manifested in their body in just a matter of days.

East Idaho News reported that almost 10 percent of America now has Type 2 diabetes and that number is definitely alarming.

Scientists at Temple University in Philadelphia who were connecting studies about this subject found out that taking in a high-calorie diet on a daily basis could speed up a person's vulnerability to acquire Type 2 diabetes.

They did an experiment using six healthy men who would overeat and they will check what exactly would happen to their bodies after doing so. These men took in 6,000 calories a day for their meals and upon checking, the result is that this kind of diet made these men developed insulin resistance.

Seattle Times reported that it took only three days for researchers to come up with the results that they are looking for. In between those days, they were able to see the onset of insulin resistance in the men they have chosen for the experiment.

The high-calorie diet contributed a lot in this case study, so it is safe to say that taking a low-calorie diet is one way to stay away from this disease.

Aside from avoiding eating foods that are high in calorie, Health24 advises people to some short yet intense workouts.

This is perfect for those who already have Type 2 diabetes as well, but it is better to do it even before you get the disease. It is better to get a physical trainer or do more research on workout routines that would really burn unhealthy calories and harmful cholesterol in the body.

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