Study Finds Link Between Citrus and Skin Cancer

The Journal of Clinical Oncology published the study of the increased risk of developing Melanoma is due to drinking orange juice and eating grapefruit .This is how citrus consumption and deadly skin cancer linked.

Dr. Ryan Fields said there are more studies to be done on the skin cancer, but until then, the person should moderate the consumption of orange juice and grapefruit and avoid exposing in the sun for a long period of time.

The Department of Internal Medicine at the University of New Mexico, Marianne Berwick wrote in her editorial, "This is a potentially important study, given that citrus consumption is widely promulgated as an important dietary constituent and has demonstrated benefit for coronary heart disease, cancer prevention, and overall health effects," Marianne Berwick also added, "At this point in time, a public overreaction leading to avoidance of citrus products is to be avoided."

The WebMD website said the skin cancer will come into sight as a flat mile with edges that are not even, and the shape of both sides are not the same. And the skin cancer's color could be black, brown or multiple colors and shows up as a new spot or skin growth.

As the UV radiation can cause skin cells to become abnormal, too much exposure to the sun will cause the Melanoma to grow and become more mature.

Dr. Ryan Fields of Washington University, and co-leader of the Melanoma Program at Siteman Cancer Center, stated: "Of course, we kind of want to balance the idea of any harmful effects of something like that, when we know there are a lot of protective effects of citrus fruits and fruits in general...things like heart disease and other types of cancer risks." New York-based dermatologist, Dr. Barney Kenet said that people who don't want a skin cancer should take extra care to wear sunscreen, and keep out of the sun especially during the midday. And to decrease risk of skin cancer, a regular check up from a dermatologist would be better.

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