US Almond Prices Increases: Reasons for the Price Hike

The US port gridlock adds to pressure for increase of US almond prices. Almond shipments in California, the largest producer of almonds in America, fell by virtually 1/3 in January since the dispute at the US west coast ports remain unstoppable, said. As a result, US almond prices are affected. Its sales have been dragged down too in the recent months. In addition to the issue in the US port, the California is also experiencing an ongoing drought which has pushed the increase of US almond prices. California, which holds the record for around 80% of worldwide almond supplies, is now worried about their future production, according to

The US almond prices remain around $4.65 per pound along with some of its types becoming hard to find, the traders said. US west coast posts have been in traffic jam for a quite a while due to the labor dispute concerning employers and workers between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the Pacific Maritime Association, which led to the slow operations in the ports. Industry executives anticipate the shipment disruption effects to continue in spite of a tentative agreement between the workers and the ports being reached recently this month. Almond Board of California stated that the shipments of almonds in January fell down to 28% compared with its rate in similar month of the last year. This plunged was followed by the 6% fall in December. California-based Blue Diamond Almonds stated it will take about 60-90 days in order to recover the normal service levels in the US west coast ports.

However, despite the increase of US almond prices, the nut demand stays active in China, Middle East and India. Overall demand for almonds remains firm and strong since the nut continues to be popular due to its health benefits.

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