Mediterranean Diet: The Best Choice Possible?

Mediterranean Diet - It's been discovered that the Mediterranean diet could be linked to leading a longer life, a healthier one and with plenty of nutrients, constantly.

According to a study in the British Medical Journal and reported by the BBC, the mix of vegetables, olive oil, fresh fish and fruits might stop our DNA code from scrambling as we age.

The researchers from the study, who were from Boston, followed the health status of 5,000 nurses over more than a decade and the nurses who adhered to the diet, showed fewer signs of aging in their cells.

What the researchers focused on specifically were the telomeres, which are the structures that safeguard the ends of our chromosomes. The chromosomes store the DNA information.

As we age and our cells start dividing, the telomeres become shorter and due to that, the structure weakens, resulting in the cells to stop diving and eventually, die.

But in the research, it turned out that the nurses who stuck to the Mediterranean diet, ended up with longer telomeres and hence, lead a healthier life which would be longer.

"All observational studies have the potential to produce misleading estimates, and we should not assume that the association with telomere length is necessarily casual," Dr David Llewellyn said about the study for it to be considered that, a study.

"That said, this large well-conducted study is consistent with the hypothesis that dietary interventions may lead to substantial improvements in health," he further on commented.

This study, though, wouldn't be the first or only one to recommend the Mediterranean diet. NewsOk also stated that by sticking to the Mediterranean diet would bring a better health.

The huge difference that it presents is the fact that it has no red meat involved in it, and focuses on all proteins, mostly, which come along with fish, vegetables and fruit.

Takepart also enlisted the Mediterranean diet as one of the best ones to follow and start in 2015 to lead a better, healthier life.

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